Get to the next level of sustainable IT
TCO Certified, generation 10 includes a broad set of updated criteria aiming to reduce the climate impact of IT products, improve working conditions for over 100,000 people, enable circular material flows and replace thousands of harmful substances with safer alternatives.
Now covering all IT product categories
In addition to updated product-specific criteria documents, we now publish a criteria document aimed at a wider range of products: TCO Certified, generation 10, general. It can potentially be used for any IT product category where product-specific criteria documents are not applicable. However, before a product can be certified to TCO Certified, generation 10, general, TCO Development must evaluate the applicability of each criterion.
New and updated criteria in four key areas
Driving improvements in production and product design to reduce the climate impact of IT products
To reduce scope 2 and 3 emissions, we promote the use of renewable energy, ensure that factories and products use less energy and that devices are made for a long life.
Increasing the demand for renewable energy
To help increase renewable energy production, brand owners must purchase renewable electricity equivalent to 15% of their own consumption in final assembly factories. Purchases must be made using accredited systems.
Complete details in: chapter 3
Focus on energy efficiency in display panel factories
All display panel factories must implement an energy management system and be certified to ISO 50001. This is already a requirement for final assembly factories.
Complete details in: chapter 3
Scope 3 emission reductions beyond industry standards
Brand owners are incentivized to implement emission-reduction activities that go beyond industry standards. Verified best practices are shared with other brands to speed up the pace of change.
Complete details in: chapter 3
Improving the energy efficiency of products
Products must meet the latest energy efficiency standards of Energy Star® or equivalent.
Complete details in: chapter 5
Extending product life to 5+ years
To significantly reduce annual emissions, products must be designed for a longer lifespan and supported with a warranty and free security and functionality updates for at least five years.
Complete details in: chapter 6
Setting a new standard for product longevity with a minimum of five years use time
Extensive circular requirements on hardware, software and information availability help extend product life, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decrease e-waste levels.
5+ years of supported product lifetime
Brand owners must offer a product warranty for five years of which at least one year is free of charge. Free security and functionality software updates for the operating system must be available throughout the validity period of the TCO Certified certificate and at least five years after the product is no longer placed on the market.
Complete details in: chapter 6
Products must be marked with a unique identifier
Certified products must be marked with a two-dimensional barcode containing the unique product identity and providing direct access to product information at the item level.
Complete details in: chapter 1
Easy battery replacement
A new battery must be available for anyone to purchase. It must be replaceable using commercially available tools, or tools provided free of charge with the product and instructions must be available, free of charge.
Complete details in: chapter 6
Repairability index for mobile devices
A repairability index covering disassembly, spare parts, repair instructions and software updates indicates how easy mobile devices are to maintain and repair.
Complete details in: chapter 6
Responsible e-waste management
Criteria promote the first steps toward a structured framework that expands the reach of take-back programs globally and ensures a more sustainable approach to reuse and recycling.
Complete details in: chapter 8
Recycled packaging materials
Packaging that contains more than 20% plastic by weight must include at least 50% post-consumer recycled content. All parts weighing more than 25 grams must be separable into single material types without using tools.
Complete details in: chapter 8
Improving chemical safety, focusing on stabilizers, external cables and next-tier suppliers
By expanding our criteria to cover new chemical types, product parts and the next level in the supply chain, we ensure that thousands of harmful substances are replaced with safer alternatives.
Only safer stabilizers can be used
Stabilizers is a new category on TCO Certified Accepted Substance List. Before stabilizer chemicals can be used in products, they must be tested and approved as safer by an independent toxicologist..
Complete details in: chapter 7
Safer external cables
External cables supplied with the product will be safer as they may only contain flame retardants, plasticizers and stabilizers that are independently assessed as safer and listed on TCO Certified Accepted Substance List.
Complete details in: chapter 7
Safer cleaners and solvents in display panel factories
Our criteria for safer cleaners and solvents are expanded to include display panel factories.
Complete details in: chapter 2
Preparing for safer adhesives and lubricants
Brand owners must submit chemical inventory data covering type, application and handling of adhesives and lubricants at final assembly and display panel factories.
Complete details in: chapter 2
Supply chain
Moving further up the supply chain to give 100,000+ more people a safer working environment
Criteria are made stricter and our proven and effective way of driving environmental and social sustainability is extended further into the supply chain.
Proactive work in display panel factories
We go further up the supply chain and require that display panel factories comply with criterion 2.1, supply chain responsibility, obtain ISO standards 50001, 14001 and 45001, and only use cleaners and degreasers that appear on TCO Certified Accepted Substance List.
Complete details in: chapter 2 & 3
Stricter requirements on anti-bribery
Brand owners must work systematically to prevent all forms of bribery in their business operations by having a management system that is independently assessed and considered fully aligned with ISO 37001.
Complete details in: chapter 2
The next step in responsible mineral sourcing
The number of mineral smelters and refiners with a certified due diligence process is increased so that at least 70% of SoRs of 3TG and cobalt in the supply chain must be compliant.
Complete details in: chapter 2
Get to know TCO Certified, generation 10
In these video clips, we explain all significant changes in all criteria areas. Presentations are intended for IT product brand owners and OEM/ODM manufacturers.