Consistent non-closure of independent audit findings or missing information on chemicals used during production in TCO Certified Portal may lead to that factories are restricted from manufacturing certified products. To avoid this from happening, make sure required information is submitted to the portal and the factory achieves an improved risk category ranking before the set due date.
To recognize the progress and varying maturity levels of final assembly factories, we categorize factories based on risk, allowing brand owners to choose factories that work proactively with sustainability issues. This improvement in transparency started in December 2018, when TCO Certified, generation 8 was launched.
Brand owners must register details of all final assembly factories where certified products are made to TCO Certified Portal and actively monitor closure of non-compliances. Factories of high risk and where information is missing in TCO Certified Portal will be removed from our accepted factory list.
If you do not wish any of the affected factories to be removed from the accepted factory list, make sure your supplier implements the necessary changes and submit the proof to the TCO Certified portal in time.
If you have any questions, please contact Stephen Fuller, Senior Criteria Manager at TCO Development.