TCO Development and Eco Choice Aotearoa — the New Zealand national ecolabel — have entered into an affiliate agreement to offer greater market access and recognition for IT product models certified according to TCO Certified.

As sustainable procurement gains momentum in Aotearoa, New Zealand, IT products are a top priority for purchasers wanting more sustainable choices. Therefore, referring to TCO Certified is an effective way for Eco Choice to include the IT hardware category in the national ecolabel, which is widely used in public and private sector procurement in the region.

Eco Choice Aotearoa and TCO Development share similar values in driving genuine sustainability progress. Rigorous criteria, backed up by independent verification of compliance for all certified product models, is essential for providing purchasers with ecolabel solutions they can trust.

In TCO Certified Portal, you can now select products that you wish to apply this for. In August, selected products will automatically be listed as certified according to Eco Choice Aotearoa on their website.

How you can benefit from the collaboration:

  • IT products carrying TCO Certified, and that are available in New Zealand, will also be eligible for recognition with Eco Choice Aotearoa at no cost, and with no additional verification required.
  • You will be given your own profile page on the Eco Choice Aotearoa website, where you can include your brand story, any local product stewardship initiatives and regularly upload relevant press releases and case studies etc.
  • In addition, certified models available in New Zealand will be listed in Eco Choice’s online product list, an online tool for consumers and institutional procures.
  • Your certified product models with Eco Choice Aotearoa recognition will be clearly visible to purchasers through the following in-region initiatives:
    • Eco Choice Aotearoa’s web-based Sustainable Procurement Tool Kit (endorsed by the Procurement Excellence Forum).
    • Mandated as part of the Eco Choice Aotearoa’s Responsible Workplace certification.
  • You will have access to brand exposure opportunities through Eco Choice’s digital channels, webinars, in-person events, campaigns and Eco Choice ambassadors.
  • Sector initiatives eg Banking and Insurance.

Step-by-step process

  1. Log into TCO Certified Portal and choose the Eco Choice Aotearoa functionality.
  2. Read and accept Eco Choice Aotearoa’s Values Statement.
  3. Select which certified product models to receive recognition with Eco Choice Aotearoa. This can be either product models with an existing TCO Certified certificate, or for new certification applications.
    NOTE: eligible products must be commercially available in New Zealand/Aotearoa. It is the responsibility of the brand owner to ensure local market availability for all selected product models.
  4. Nominate an in-region brand owner representative. This individual will be responsible for ensuring local product listings are correct and updated, and serve as a contact for Eco Choice Aotearoa.
  5. TCO Development will share your list of selected products with Eco Choice Aotearoa, along with the name and contact information of your nominated in-region brand representative, who will receive information about the ecolabel, conditions of use, and upcoming marketing opportunities.
  6. Eco Choice Aotearoa will review your list of eligible products and include them in product listings on their website. They will then provide you with access to set up a profile to maintain your product listings.
  7. You may then market your products as carrying both TCO Certified and Eco Choice Aotearoa.

We look forward to you being part of this opportunity.

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