The organization ChemFORWARD has now been accepted as an alternative chemical hazard assessment tool for safer chemicals on TCO Certified Accepted Substance List.

With TCO Certified, a chemical is considered a high risk until it is proven otherwise. Independent toxicologists evaluate all substances before they can be added as a safer alternative on TCO Certified Accepted Substance List. ChemFORWARD® is now introduced as an alternative to the framework already in use: GreenScreen®.

Plasticizers, flame retardants, stabilizers and process chemicals that achieve a ChemFORWARD hazard band A, B or C set by an independent Licensed Profiler can now be added to TCO Certified Accepted Substance List and may be used in the products and manufacture of certified products.

Learn more about ChemForward on their website. All safer substances and more information about the process are available here. If you have questions, please contact Stephen Fuller.

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