Explore our roadmap
TCO Certified evolves continuously to address the sustainability challenges of IT products. Our roadmap outlines detailed plans for the years ahead, driving progress toward more sustainable IT solutions.
TCO Certified evolves continuously to address the sustainability challenges of IT products. Our roadmap outlines detailed plans for the years ahead, driving progress toward more sustainable IT solutions.
Final assembly factories and display panel factories must systematically manage environmental responsibilities in line with ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 50001 (energy management).
We are driving industry engagement to responsibly source 3TG and cobalt by creating a structured system that promotes the use of RMAP conformant mineral smelters and refiners.
To ensure steady progress in supply chain responsibility, factories are audited regularly. High-risk factories are audited more often, and all issues must be corrected within a set timeframe.
To improve transparency, major sub-suppliers must be declared. Brand owners must appoint a Senior Management Representative to monitor and ensure compliance with supply chain criteria.
Brand owners must have an anti-bribery management system (ISO 37001) to prevent all forms of bribery in their operations.
To improve worker safety and well-being, and promote raised wage levels, workweeks are limited to 60 hours.
The manufacture of certified products must comply with local labor and health and safety laws, the ILO’s core conventions, and the UN Conventions on the Rights of the Child.
Factories are categorized by risk level and high-risk factories are monitored more often. IT brands can select factories with a good rating, which is an incentive for factory owners to prioritize their work with sustainability.
Packaging containing more than 20% plastic by weight must include at least 50% post-consumer recycled content. All parts weighing more than 25 grams must be separable without using tools.