E-Waste World Conference & Expo 2024 is Europe’s leading circular electronics and recycling event and will take place in Frankfurt on June 26 and 27. The conference covers four tracks: E-waste and WEEE Recycling, Circular Electronics, Battery Recycling, and Metal and Critical Raw Material Recycling. We are excited to be speakers in two of these tracks.

During the track Circular Electronics, which is in partnership with SERI, our DACH representative Martin Eichenseder will speak on the topic “Recognizing More Sustainable Products.” He will highlight the product lifetime extension criteria in TCO Certified and the problems with e-waste from IT products. Even if the recycling rates are improving, we are still losing valuable resources due to uncontrolled e-waste. What beats recycling, even the best recycling, is prolonged usage.

In the E-Waste & WEEE Recycling track, Martin will participate in the panel discussion “Pragmatic Impact: Does Current Waste Reduction Deliver System Change?” He will give insights on how TCO Certified encourages the usage of recycled material in certified products, extends the life of IT products, and reduces e-waste. Representatives from SustainableIT.org, Closing the Loop, and WEEE Forum will join the discussion on stage.

The conference is an excellent opportunity to learn about innovative solutions and best practices in circular electronics. Delegates can expect to explore critical topics such as sustainability certification for IT products, strategies for enhancing product durability, effective management of electronics returns, and demonstrations of sustainable products from leading OEMs. More than 3000 participants who are committed to a circular economy and sustainable supply chains will attend.

We hope to see you there!

For more information and to register, visit E-Waste World Conference & Expo 2024.

Are you attending the E-Waste World Conference & Expo 2024 in Frankfurt and would like to book a meeting? Please contact our regional representative, Martin Eichenseder.