We are thrilled to be an institutional partner of the upcoming first edition of the GreenTech Forum Brussels. This new professional event, dedicated to tech and sustainability, will take place on June 18 and 19. During the two-day forum, the team behind TCO Certified will participate in a couple of panels.

During the panel session “Sustainable purchasing: including environmental and social considerations in IT buying decisions—tools and best practices,” our purchaser support expert Barton will highlight how TCO Certified and other available tools can help organizations implement sustainability in each step of an IT procurement journey. We will share cases implemented by organizations we have helped in the past.

In the other panel session, “Multi-criteria measurement of IT’s environmental footprint: tackling the lack of robust data and unstandardized methods, and exploring labels, certifications, and tools for Sustainable IT policies,” our purchaser support expert Dmytro will share the latest developments, tools and resources available for organizations using TCO Certified in their IT procurement.

The forum is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the environmental and social impacts of computers, smartphones, and other IT products. About 750 participants who are committed to Green IT will attend in Brussels.

We hope to see you there!

For more information and to register, visit GreenTech Forum Brussels.

Are you attending the GreenTech Forum Brussels and would like to book a meeting with us or know more about our sessions? Please contact our regional representative, Barton Finn.