This is an old press release and the information may be outdated
Stockholm, February 16, 2021
Like other IT products, data center products come with social and environmental challenges. With Hewlett Packard Enterprise taking the lead, the first servers are now certified according to the rigorous sustainability criteria in TCO Certified.
TCO Certified is the global leading sustainability certification for IT products. With environmental and social criteria, TCO Certified covers the full lifecycle of the product, including supply chain responsibility, hazardous substances, and circular criteria promoting. This life-cycle approach results in more circular products available for buyers.
Organizations increasingly demand IT products that are more sustainable. The challenge for most purchasers is to verify that sustainability claims made by the IT brands for their products actually are correct. With TCO Certified, independent verification is not optional, it is always included. Compliance with all criteria is independently verified throughout the life of the certificate ensuring that consumers and professional purchasers are given accurate, comparable information.
“Annually more than 20,000 hours are spent verifying products as well as the factories where they’re made according to the criteria in TCO Certified. We know that a mere self-declaration is not enough to drive change — product testing at independent test laboratories and factory inspections by independent auditors are critical.” says Sören Enholm, CEO of TCO Development, the organization behind TCO Certified.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the first brand whose servers meet the tough criteria in TCO Certified for data center products.
“We expect more brands to follow. The interest in our data center product categories is high, both from the industry looking to apply for TCO Certified for their products, and from the purchasing community asking for products with independently verified sustainability claims,” continues Sören Enholm.
Together toward sustainable IT
TCO Certified is the global sustainability certification for IT products, empowering both IT buyers and brands to make more responsible choices. Our comprehensive criteria are designed to drive social and environmental responsibility and are updated continuously to push sustainability where it matters most. Compliance with all criteria is always independently verified for every product. Our Roadmap for Sustainable IT is the long-term plan for addressing issues in four key areas: climate, substances, circularity and supply chain. By using TCO Certified, you join a global movement for sustainable IT.
Dennis Svärd, Global PR Manager
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