Draft – TCO Certified Accepted Substance List for process chemicals
We intend to add cleaning solvents to the TCO Certified Accepted Substance List as part of TCO Certified, generation 9.
We intend to add cleaning solvents to the TCO Certified Accepted Substance List as part of TCO Certified, generation 9.
The new anti-bribery management system questionnaire and the first ever public TCO Certified Accepted Substance List for process chemicals is planned to be made available on the TCO Certified generation 9 draft page during December 2020. Anti bribery management system TCO Development releases a new questionnaire that takes the next step of independently verifying how
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, TCO Development has decided to extend audit due dates by 12 months
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to have a major impact on audit service providers’ possibility to conduct inspections. TCO Development has monitored the situation over the past 12 months in dialogue with local expert audit providers, brand owners and
Make sure all your certificates are upgraded to TCO Certified, generation 8. On December 4, 2020 all certificates for the previous generation will expire.
Learn about the first draft of criteria for TCO Certified, generation 9. The draft is now published and open for stakeholder comment.
Get a run-through of what’s new in the first draft of TCO Certified, generation 9, and how this draft compares to the current generation.
TCO Certified, generation 9 is currently under development. Stakeholders are welcome to take part in the development process.
An updated process chemical template tool is now available at our website.
Two additional substances have been added to TCO Certified Accepted Substance List.
New report from TCO Development explains how buyers and uses of IT products can implement circular practices to reduce environmental impact.