About andreas.langer@tcodevelopment.com

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So far andreas.langer@tcodevelopment.com has created 433 blog entries.

Buyers driving IT brands to more responsible electronics

2024-12-19T14:47:20+00:00September 29, 2014|Categories: Pressrelease|

Electronics and IT products are largely manufactured under tough working conditions in price-pressed supply chains. These pressurized conditions have led to excessive overtime, unsafe working environments and other negative outcomes for workers. As some brands show progress toward more responsible practices, it is vital that organizations buying IT products use tools such as the new EU Public Purchasing Directive to continue the drive toward more sustainable manufacturing of electronics.

Smartphones and tablets – purchasers and procurers can make a more sustainable choice

2024-12-19T14:52:28+00:00September 15, 2014|Categories: Pressrelease|

More buyers of smartphones and tablets should make sure they’re asking the major device brands for devices that are sustainably sustainably designed and made. Niclas Rydell of sustainability certification organization TCO Development believes this buyer influence is critical is turning the tide of mounting environmental and social challenges associated with our increased use of mobile computing products.

Third Party Certifications join forces to challenge public sector

2024-12-19T14:52:20+00:00September 12, 2014|Categories: Pressrelease|

In a first of its kind collaboration, a group of third party environmental and sustainability certifications have joined forces to challenge the public sector to become more socially and environmentally responsible in their purchasing practices. The initiative coincides with the publication of EU’s expanded directive for public purchasing. The new directive expands opportunities to include environmental and social aspects when using public funds to buy goods and services. In EU, public purchasing accounts for around 200 billion Euro annually.

Report–TCO Development sees progress and remaining hotspots in socially responsible manufacturing among IT brands

2024-12-19T14:47:18+00:00August 28, 2014|Categories: Pressrelease|

A new report from TCO Development reveals some progress but also persistent problems among 17 major IT hardware brands working to comply with new socially responsible manufacturing requirements. The State of Socially Responsible Manufacturing in the IT Industry reviews brand efforts over a one-year period to meet new criteria in TCO Certified, the sustainability

The State of Socially Responsible Manufacturing in the IT Industry

2024-11-28T08:40:52+00:00August 28, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: |

Increasingly, IT-using organizations are looking for computer products that are environmentally preferable and made under socially responsible conditions. Yet, shorter product cycles and growing demand for new technologies puts increasing pressure on industry and its complex supply chain to deliver new devices faster and at a lower cost. The result is often inadequate working conditions in electronics manufacturing, including long working hours, low wages and a lack of health and safety measures. The problem is widespread and well publicized through media and NGO monitoring.

EU States to use TCO Certified to make socially and environmentally responsible IT product choices

2024-12-19T14:52:11+00:00August 19, 2014|Categories: Pressrelease|

Earlier this year the EU Parliament adopted a new public procurement directive. The directive makes it easier for purchasing contracts – including those for IT products - to include requirements for social and environmental responsibility from electronics manufacturers. Member countries have until 2016 to implement the new directive.

New Energy Star 6.0 for energy efficiency in computers now in effect.

2024-12-17T12:17:37+00:00June 2, 2014|Categories: News|

On June 2, 2014 the new Energy Star 6.0 for computers for energy efficiency came into effect. Like TCO Certified, Energy Star updates requirements regularly in line with new technologies and user demands. This update will also be included in relevant TCO Certified criteria. So if you purchase a TCO Certified notebook, display, desktop or all-in-one PC you can be assured that it also is verified to meet the latest Energy Star requirements as well as all TCO Certified sustainability criteria. Buyers should make sure to request the latest version of TCO Certified in purchasing specifications.

Report – increasing Post Consumer Recycled Plastics in IT products

2022-01-12T14:19:10+00:00May 8, 2014|Categories: News|

Almost all IT products contain plastics. But, the use of new or “virgin oil” plastics is connected to a number of sustainability problems, including Co2 emissions, high resource use in manufacturing and the threat of hazardous petrochemicals affecting human health and the natural environment. Today only about 10% of plastics from durable goods is recycled, further adding to these threats and the global e-waste crisis. A new background report from TCO Development calls for an increase in the use of post consumer recycled plastics in IT products.

EU Public procurement to look beyond lowest price as deciding factor

2022-01-12T14:19:25+00:00January 17, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: |

Price will no longer be the key driver in determining what public purchasers buy in the EU, following the passing of new directives this week in the European Parliament. Municipalities and agencies throughout the region will now be able to freely add environmental and social requirements to their purchasing specifications.

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