Malmö, Sweden – a Climate Smart City

2022-01-12T14:20:06+00:00June 5, 2013|Categories: Best Practice, News|

The City of Malmö is aiming to be Sweden’s most climate smart city specifically by implementing an IT infrastructure that reduces its environmental impact. Malmö is also a signatory of the Green Digital Charter – a declaration among cities in Europe to work together in meeting EU climate objectives through sustainable use of IT.

Samsung Galaxy S4 first to achieve sustainability certification for smartphones

2022-01-12T14:20:20+00:00May 16, 2013|Categories: News, Pressrelease|

Samsung’s flagship Galaxy S4 smartphone is the first to achieve internationally recognized requirements for environmental design and socially responsible manufacturing. As the largest manufacturer of smartphones worldwide, Samsung is the first major brand to achieve the TCO Certified Smartphones product certification.
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E-Waste: hazardous to the environment and human health

2023-05-11T12:09:35+00:00January 16, 2013|Categories: News|Tags: , |

A new study on the effects of E-waste on human health reveals serious negative outcomes for those dismantling and handling components of discarded electronics. The study, published by the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden, details that workers, some as young as six years of age, are routinely exposed to hazardous materials and inhalation of toxic gases through direct handling of discarded electronics. People affected by this health crisis are mostly in areas where there is little knowledge about the health risks and in many cases no basic health care or social protections.

Statement from TCO Development – Apple leaves EPEAT

2022-01-12T14:21:05+00:00July 11, 2012|Categories: News, Pressrelease|

The fact that Apple is leaving the EPEAT register because their products can’t be recycled in a way that is environmentally acceptable is one example. Nevertheless the IT-industry needs to take measures. To produce one computer uses about 1.500 kg of water, human rights are violated in the production, the level and handling of the world’s e-waste can’t be neglected. It is a good sign that Apple is sincere and withdraws the products from the EPEAT registration when they can’t meet the standards.

First IT products to meet new social responsibility requirements in TCO Certified

2022-01-12T14:21:23+00:00June 10, 2012|Categories: News, Pressrelease|

The first IT products to achieve the new generation TCO Certified sustainability certification are out. Focusing on environmental, social and economic responsibility, TCO Certified is the first program of it’s kind to enhance its environmental certification with requirements for corporate social responsibility – CSR - in production facilities for IT products.

A Third Party Verification Of Socially Responsible Production Conditions

2022-01-12T14:21:30+00:00April 2, 2012|Categories: News, Pressrelease|

TCO Certified, the international third party sustainability certification for IT products, now requires independent verification of ethical working conditions among electronics manufacturers applying for product certification. The launch of TCO Development's new tightened social responsibility requirements offers the industry an effective and credible way to improve and verify their progress towards more ethical production practices.

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