Comparing Fairphone and TCO Certified is slightly misleading

2024-11-28T08:42:27+00:00October 2, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |

It's a positive development to see initiatives on the market that aim to make the IT industry more sustainable. The product certification TCO Certified and the manufacturer Fairphone both offer the possibility of choosing smartphones that take social and environmental aspects into consideration. However, the report that compares Fairphone side-by-side to TCO Certified Smartphones is somewhat misleading.

Chemical tax on products misses the mark

2024-11-28T08:47:16+00:00August 28, 2015|Categories: News|

Economic measures are an effective way to drive change, for example reducing the content of hazardous substances in our products and environment. Sweden’s government is currently considering a proposal to introduce a tax on certain consumer products, including electronics, that contain potentially hazardous chemicals.

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