Published durability values
The criterion clarifications for durability values have been updated
The criterion clarifications for durability values have been updated
Updated TCO Certified criteria documents will from now on be referred to as a new edition. Find the latest edition on
Energy efficiency indicators must be reported for all final assembly factories on August 30.
In TCO Certified, generation 8, critical product components must be replaceable. We have made some clarifications regarding service manual requirements in this criteria. Find all the information you need here.
The mandate of criteria 1.3, sustainability performance, states that global production volumes for the certified product must be reported in TCO Certified Portal each year. The deadline for the first time this should be done has now been postponed.
To verify compliance with the criteria 6.4 Product durability and 6.5 Battery longevity, products must be tested by test facilities accredited according to ISO 17025. Until December 3, 2019, some exemptions are allowed.
We have received questions regarding the ETEC_MAX value for displays in TCO Certified, generation 8. Here is a clarification of which value we want you to report.
During April we’re also offering a number of in-person workshops for industry where we’ll be discussing the draft criteria in detail and answering your questions. Sign up information is below. We’re also available on each workshop date, to meet individually and discuss your feedback.
We have seen some inconsistencies in acoustic noise measurements for TCO Certified Notebooks 5.0, TCO Certified All-in-one PCs 4.0 and TCO Certified Desktops 5.0.
In our September issue of Technical Update we wrote about a touch panel exception for Displays, AIO’s and Notebooks. In this exception we had calculated our luminance requirement with a 99% confidence interval. We have now recalculated it based on a 95% confidence, which is the interval used throughout TCO Certified. We have also added a minimum color triangle area requirement for Displays and AIO PCs, based on these new results.