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The demand for IT products that have been manufactured in a fair and environmentally sustainable way is growing, but many sustainability issues in the IT industry are difficult to solve. The new report Impacts and Insights 2019 presents a number of keys to faster and more lasting change.
Impacts and Insights 2019 measures sustainability progress among brand owners with IT products certified according to the global sustainability certification TCO Certified. The study includes 20 factories in Asia and South America, that have been audited twice during the time period 2015-2018. In the initial audits, 109 non-conformities to the criteria in TCO Certified were found and by the second audit, 84 of these, or 77%, were eliminated. Substantial improvements in factory working conditions have been made, affecting approximately 46,600 workers. However, excessive working hours and low wage levels are remaining challenges.
“The IT industry increasingly wants to improve working conditions in factories, but if a structured, long-term system for solving problems isn’t in place, a number of problems may be detected in factory audits, but not necessarily solved,” says Sören Enholm, CEO at TCO Development, the organization behind TCO Certified.
To solve these problems, factories must be required to make effective corrective action plans that are followed up regularly by independent auditors. Many issues, in particular within the area of health and safety, have a tendency to return. To avoid factory workers being exposed to the same hazard again, root causes must be found and corrective actions must be monitored also after closure.
About the report Impacts and Insights 2019
“A system of consequences for brand owners is needed to ensure adequate progress. Sustainability work is resource-intensive and there is often a conflict of interest between fair working conditions and goals to minimize cost and time-to-market. We put pressure on the IT industry and can withdraw certificates and restrict factories from manufacturing certified products if the criteria in TCO Certified are not met,” continues Sören Enholm.
Industry engagement is key to solving sustainability problems. Brand owners and factories need to allocate enough resources to their sustainability work. During the time period measured in the report, 2015-2018, awareness and engagement in sustainability grew among both brand owner senior management and factory management, leading to faster progress and stricter requirements on sub-suppliers.
“As an independent organization, we can both offer a structured platform to guide industry progress and push the pace of work. We have an ongoing dialog with brand owner leadership and carry out interviews every year. This approach has been successful and we can see that industry awareness of sustainability issues is increasing,” says Sören Enholm.
The report also points out that change happens faster when brand owners using shared suppliers join together and place the same requirements on the factory owner. TCO Development has insight into the IT product supply chain and can coordinate IT brands to put pressure on shared suppliers as a collective effort.
Impacts and Insights 2019 measures progress during the validity period of the previous generation of TCO Certified, 2015-2018. In December 2018, TCO Development took the next step with the launch of TCO Certified, generation 8, with stricter criteria, a stronger focus on circularity, and a risk-based system of factory categorization.
“As more factories commit to the TCO Certified system and criteria, the span of industry maturity levels widens. With generation 8, we make it easier for IT brands to choose factories that work proactively with sustainability issues. By giving factories that prioritize sustainability a business advantage, we can speed up the shift towards a sustainable life cycle for IT products, concludes Sören Enholm.
Learn about the findings in this webinar on October 10.
Together toward sustainable IT
TCO Certified is the global sustainability certification for IT products, empowering both IT buyers and brands to make more responsible choices. Our comprehensive criteria are designed to drive social and environmental responsibility and are updated continuously to push sustainability where it matters most. Compliance with all criteria is always independently verified for every product. Our Roadmap for Sustainable IT is the long-term plan for addressing issues in four key areas: climate, substances, circularity and supply chain. By using TCO Certified, you join a global movement for sustainable IT.
Dennis Svärd, Global PR Manager
Mobile: +46 (0) 704 804 094