Notebook computers are linked to greenhouse gas emissions both when they are manufactured and used. However, by extending the lifespan of your device, you can significantly reduce its climate impact. Our Report Generator helps you understand exactly how much of a difference you can actually make.

For most notebook computers, a majority of lifetime greenhouse gas emissions are scope 3. The manufacturing is energy intensive from raw material extraction to final assembly, and factories are often powered by fossil fuels. Before a notebook computer reaches its first user, it has already generated approximately 250 kilograms of greenhouse gas emissions. If it is discarded after only three years, scope 3 emissions will amount to 94 percent of total lifetime emissions (251 kg of 266.6 kg).

The good news is that you can influence annual emissions by using the product smarter. Keeping the notebook computer for four years instead of three reduces its annual footprint by 23.5% or 20.9 kg. If you decide to double its use time from three to six years, the annual emissions of greenhouse gases are reduced by almost half (47%).

Notebook design for a longer life

While extending the lifespan of notebook computers is necessary for reducing the climate impact of the IT sector, not all of them are designed for a long life. By choosing a notebook certified according to TCO Certified, you can be sure that it is designed to last. All certified notebooks must be durable and possible to upgrade and repair. They must have at least one year’s warranty, and spare parts must be available throughout the validity period of the certificate. IT products are often replaced because the battery has lost its ability to hold a charge. TCO Certified includes criteria for battery life and replaceability. Product performance criteria improve user productivity and satisfaction for a longer time.

Great reduction potential

Each year, around 30 million notebooks certified according to TCO Certified are manufactured. These products are made for a much longer life than three years. Let’s take a look at potential reductions of greenhouse gas emissions if they were to be used for one more year, and three more years.

If all certified notebook computers that were manufactured in 2023 were used for six years instead of three, it would result in a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions of approximately 1,257,000 metric tons per year. Even one more year would make a big difference, with annual reductions of 627,000 metric tons.

Measure your climate footprint in Report Generator

In Report Generator, you can create customized product sustainability reports with scope 2 and 3 data for certified products. You get access to product carbon footprint measurements and gain clarity on the climate impact of your IT product portfolio — in the use phase and supply chain. You can also calculate annual emissions and reductions when products are used longer.

What scope 1, 2 and 3 mean for a purchasing organization measuring emissions from IT hardware

Scope 1
No emissions are scope 1.

Scope 2
Emissions from the energy required to charge and run the notebook computer.

Scope 3
Emissions from the manufacturing process of the IT product, transportation to the user, and downstream emissions from e-waste management and recycling.

Ten years of use time is possible!

This may inspire you to really maximize the lifespan of your computer. If you manage the computer right, ten years of use time is possible! This reduces the annual climate footprint by 66 percent. Our CEO, Sören Enholm, has kept his notebook for more than ten years, and in this article, he explains how he made it last.

Data in this article are based on the calculations in Report Generator. Greenhouse gas emissions vary depending on the energy grid in your region. We have used an EU average (co2e/kwh).