New approved collector helps purchasers tackle e-waste
With TCO Certified Edge, e-waste compensated, a corresponding amount of e-waste is collected for each manufactured product.
With TCO Certified Edge, e-waste compensated, a corresponding amount of e-waste is collected for each manufactured product.
For a more sustainable life cycle, products and materials must be recovered and reused to a much larger extent.
TCO Certified helps you select products that are designed with a circular approach, so that products are kept in their intended use longer.
33 practical tips from our report Impacts and Insights – Circular IT Management in Practice, where we’re deep-diving into circularity.
By taking both product performance and environmental factors into account, user productivity can improve and devices can be in use longer.
TCO Certified products must be safe and ergonomically designed, which supports productivity and enables the user to use the product longer.
We have a global increase in the standard of living and the consumption of products is escalating to record levels.
How can principles of circularity be implemented into the procurement and use of notebook computers? How can you cut greenhouse gas emissions and save money at the same time? We’ve listened to experts in the field and analyzed the data. Here you’ll find practical, science-based advice on key considerations such as extending product life, energy
TCO Development launched an e-waste quiz. With almost 2000 people taking the quiz, these are some of the findings!
E-waste is the world’s fastest growing waste stream. In this webinar, four impactful approaches to circular electronics will be presented.