Guidance for purchasers:

Equivalent proof of compliance with TCO Certified

List of proof that is needed for a non-certified product model to be considered equal to a certified one.

TCO Certified offers organizations a straightforward way to manage the sustainability impacts of the IT products they buy and use. When specifying TCO Certified, purchasing authorities in some regions — particularly in the European Union — may be required to accept equivalent proof of compliance with the certification’s criteria.

This guide outlines how to ask for the proof that is needed for a non-certified product model to be considered equivalent to a product certified according to TCO Certified. It includes:

  • How TCO Certified makes sustainable procurement easier.
  • A list of all eight criteria areas in TCO Certified.
  • A detailed explanation of necessary equivalent proof.
  • Requirements for verification organizations.
  • Contact details for support, free of charge.