Third Party Certifications join forces to challenge public sector

2022-01-12T14:18:24+00:00September 12, 2014|Categories: Pressrelease|Tags: |

In a first of its kind collaboration, a group of third party environmental and sustainability certifications have joined forces to challenge the public sector to become more socially and environmentally responsible in their purchasing practices. The initiative coincides with the publication of EU’s expanded directive for public purchasing. The new directive expands opportunities to include environmental and social aspects when using public funds to buy goods and services. In EU, public purchasing accounts for around 200 billion Euro annually.

First computer displays certified for socially responsible manufacturing

2022-01-12T14:20:57+00:00September 10, 2012|Categories: Pressrelease|Tags: |

Now IT purchasers can choose computer displays that meet new TCO Certified criteria for socially responsible manufacturing. TCO Development today announced the first displays to meet the latest TCO Certified sustainability certification, which includes CSR factors along with environmental and usability requirements.

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