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TCO Certified now part of German federal procurement criteria

TCO Certified, announced a new cooperation with the Office for Procurement of the German Ministry of the Interior (Beschaffungsamt des Bundesministerium des Innern, BeschA). TCO Certified is set to become part of the newly established code of conduct, agreed to by the BeschA and the electronics industry group BITKOM, another step toward more sustainable procurement of IT products.

2022-03-07T09:57:24+00:00November 26, 2014|Categories: News, Pressrelease|

Third Party Certifications join forces to challenge public sector

In a first of its kind collaboration, a group of third party environmental and sustainability certifications have joined forces to challenge the public sector to become more socially and environmentally responsible in their purchasing practices. The initiative coincides with the publication of EU’s expanded directive for public purchasing. The new directive expands opportunities to include environmental and social aspects when using public funds to buy goods and services. In EU, public purchasing accounts for around 200 billion Euro annually.

2022-01-12T14:18:24+00:00September 12, 2014|Categories: Pressrelease|Tags: |

The State of Socially Responsible Manufacturing in the IT Industry

Increasingly, IT-using organizations are looking for computer products that are environmentally preferable and made under socially responsible conditions. Yet, shorter product cycles and growing demand for new technologies puts increasing pressure on industry and its complex supply chain to deliver new devices faster and at a lower cost. The result is often inadequate working conditions in electronics manufacturing, including long working hours, low wages and a lack of health and safety measures. The problem is widespread and well publicized through media and NGO monitoring.

2023-05-11T12:09:27+00:00August 28, 2014|Categories: News, Report|Tags: , |

EU Public procurement to look beyond lowest price as deciding factor

Price will no longer be the key driver in determining what public purchasers buy in the EU, following the passing of new directives this week in the European Parliament. Municipalities and agencies throughout the region will now be able to freely add environmental and social requirements to their purchasing specifications.

2022-01-12T14:19:25+00:00January 17, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: |

First sustainability certification for smartphones will focus on socially responsible manufacturing and environment

TCO Development has announced the expansion of its worldwide sustainability certification for IT products to include smartphones. The new certification will provide smartphone buyers and users with an easier way to choose devices that meet criteria for socially responsible manufacturing, minimal environmental impact as well as ergonomic design.

2022-01-12T14:20:31+00:00April 8, 2013|Categories: Pressrelease|

Statement from TCO Development – Apple leaves EPEAT

The fact that Apple is leaving the EPEAT register because their products can’t be recycled in a way that is environmentally acceptable is one example. Nevertheless the IT-industry needs to take measures. To produce one computer uses about 1.500 kg of water, human rights are violated in the production, the level and handling of the world’s e-waste can’t be neglected. It is a good sign that Apple is sincere and withdraws the products from the EPEAT registration when they can’t meet the standards.

2022-01-12T14:21:05+00:00July 11, 2012|Categories: News, Pressrelease|
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