Circular Economy & IT Products

2023-05-11T12:07:29+00:00December 1, 2016|Categories: News, Webinar|Tags: , , |

In the fifth installment of our 2016 Sustainable IT webinar series, we make a deep dive into circular economy and IT-products with Annachiara Torciano and Louise Koch.  We take a closer look at the current state of circular economy policy approaches, and what it means for the development of more sustainable IT products.

New Sustainable IT Purchasing Guidance for Institutional Purchasers

2022-01-12T14:09:09+00:00September 20, 2016|Categories: News, Webinar|Tags: , |

In the fourth webinar of our 2016 Sustainable IT series, we welcomed Christina Macken, Director of Programs for the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council in the USA, who provided a preview of their upcoming Guidance for Leadership in Sustainable Purchasing – IT Hardware – version 2.0.

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