TCO Certified – Outstanding Case study award at SPLC Summit

2022-01-12T14:05:06+00:00May 18, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: |

On Tuesday, May 9 the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council presented TCO Development with an Outstanding Case Study Award. The case study outlined achievements in improved social responsibility in the IT manufacturing supply chain where certified products are made, making it easier for IT purchasers to make more sustainable choices.

Comparing Fairphone and TCO Certified is slightly misleading

2022-03-07T09:57:11+00:00October 2, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |

It's a positive development to see initiatives on the market that aim to make the IT industry more sustainable. The product certification TCO Certified and the manufacturer Fairphone both offer the possibility of choosing smartphones that take social and environmental aspects into consideration. However, the report that compares Fairphone side-by-side to TCO Certified Smartphones is somewhat misleading.

A new approach to the phase-out of hazardous substances

2022-01-12T14:16:50+00:00June 1, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |

One of the major changes proposed in the new generation TCO Certified is a fresh approach to reducing hazardous substance content in computers, displays and other electronic devices. Moving away from focusing on banned substances alone, the draft proposes the addition of an Accepted Substances List, specifying substances that have been evaluated and declared as safer alternatives.

IT industry has the ability to phase out hazardous substances

2022-01-12T14:17:39+00:00January 23, 2015|Categories: News, Pressrelease|Tags: |

Chemsec, The International Chemical Secretariat, has withdrawn from the EU-Commission working group charged with updating the banned substances list in RoHS. It’s unfortunate that the working group has lost Chemsec as a member, as they have been instrumental in presenting concrete solutions to phasing out well-known hazardous substances contained in electronic

Smartphones and tablets – purchasers and procurers can make a more sustainable choice

2022-01-12T14:18:18+00:00September 15, 2014|Categories: Pressrelease|Tags: |

More buyers of smartphones and tablets should make sure they’re asking the major device brands for devices that are sustainably sustainably designed and made. Niclas Rydell of sustainability certification organization TCO Development believes this buyer influence is critical is turning the tide of mounting environmental and social challenges associated with our increased use of mobile computing products.

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