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Legacy generations

A new generation of TCO Certified is released every three years. When a new generation is launched, products can no longer be certified to the previous generation. A legacy generation may be valid for a limited time before it is archived.

2021-12-01T08:13:02+00:00December 12, 2018|

Update – next generation TCO Certified, be among the first to certify

With the next generation TCO Certified, we're taking a major step toward a sustainable life cycle for electronics. As you can see in the criteria draft, TCO Certified, generation 8 will focus on further building transparency and responsibility in supply chain, material use and product life. With leadership criteria and independent verification as the backbone of TCO Certified, purchasers, brands and suppliers will have a tool they can trust and stand behind.

2022-01-12T13:59:14+00:00May 17, 2018|Categories: Updates and changes|Tags: , |
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