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Update – next generation TCO Certified, be among the first to certify

With the next generation TCO Certified, we're taking a major step toward a sustainable life cycle for electronics. As you can see in the criteria draft, TCO Certified, generation 8 will focus on further building transparency and responsibility in supply chain, material use and product life. With leadership criteria and independent verification as the backbone of TCO Certified, purchasers, brands and suppliers will have a tool they can trust and stand behind.

2022-01-12T13:59:14+00:00May 17, 2018|Categories: Updates and changes|Tags: , |

A new approach to the phase-out of hazardous substances

One of the major changes proposed in the new generation TCO Certified is a fresh approach to reducing hazardous substance content in computers, displays and other electronic devices. Moving away from focusing on banned substances alone, the draft proposes the addition of an Accepted Substances List, specifying substances that have been evaluated and declared as safer alternatives.

2022-01-12T14:16:50+00:00June 1, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |

First IT products to meet new social responsibility requirements in TCO Certified

The first IT products to achieve the new generation TCO Certified sustainability certification are out. Focusing on environmental, social and economic responsibility, TCO Certified is the first program of it’s kind to enhance its environmental certification with requirements for corporate social responsibility – CSR - in production facilities for IT products.

2022-01-12T14:21:23+00:00June 10, 2012|Categories: News, Pressrelease|

New Leading Edge Phone Headset Certification Based on Enhanced Acoustic Quality

The more demanding TCO Certified Edge Headsets program takes acoustic protection a step further by requiring headsets to also limit sudden increases in volume, which can cause user discomfort, fatigue and potential hearing loss with repeated exposure. All headsets carrying the TCO Certified label are independently tested and verified to meet advanced environmental, performance and social responsibility requirements.

2022-01-12T14:21:47+00:00March 6, 2012|Categories: News, Pressrelease|
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